Storming the Ivory Tower is going on hiatus! For at least a month. Maybe more!
Here's the thing. I've got a new part time job doing an Art Related Thing out in meatspace that pays better as a part time job than StIT currently does as something I'm spending most of my time working on or at least thinking about. Meanwhile, if you've been following my increasingly frustrated asides in various Patreon posts you'll know that I haven't really been well since, like, sometime in December probably. I don't know when I'll stop not being well, because I don't know what's wrong and getting actual healthcare is Pretty Difficult. Also meanwhile, I need to find a new roommate because my old one got chronic fatigue and had to move out. Also also meanwhile, my subscriptions on Patreon are shrinking, and so is my readership on individual articles.
Though it does seem that while individual users are going down, the time people spend on the site is going up slightly so... so I don't know what that means. In fact I'm feeling a bit bewildered by the whole project at this point, on a lot of levels. So, while I have an actual stable source of income, I'm taking a month (or more) off to take stock, make some more progress on some larger projects, and maybe get to a better place with physical and mental health.
I am planning on posting some progress type stuff on Patreon in the intervening time so if you want, like, effectively free content from me, it's probably worth staying subscribed. You can jump over there for some more detailed plans if you're already subscribed--oh, and of course, that's a good way to find out when I return. In a month. Or more.
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